
Resources are main building blocks in falcon. This is also true with graceful.

The most basic resource of all is a graceful.resources.base.BaseResource and all other resource classes in in this package inherit from BaseResource. It will not provide you with full set graceful features (like object serialization, pagination, resource fields descriptions etc.) but it is a good starting point if you want to build everything by yourself but still need to have some consistent response structure and self-descriptive parameters.

In most cases (simple GET-allowed resources) you need only to provide your own http GET method handler like following:

from graceful.resources.base import BaseResource
from graceful.parameters import StringParam, IntParam

class SomeResource(BaseResource):
     # describe how HTTP query string parameters are handled
     some_param = StringParam("example string query string param")
     some_other_param = IntParam("example integer query string param")

     def on_get(self, req, resp):
         # retrieve dictionary of query string parameters parsed
         # and validated according to resource class description
         params = self.require_params(req)

         ## create your own response like always:
         # resp.body = "some content"

         ## or use following:
         # self.make_body(resp, params, {}, 'some content')


Due to how falcon works there is always only a single instance of the resource class for a single registered route. Please remember to not keep any request processing state inside of this object using self.attribute lookup. If you need to store and access some additional unique data during whole request processing flow you may want to use context-aware resource classes.